Friday, November 17, 2017

Inbox Zero 2.0

In my previous post on Inbox Zero, I listed my top tips for emptying your inbox so you can focus on what you need to get done. However, you likely have more to do than you could possibly get done each day. Also, clearing out your inbox often leads to a full sent box, and no guarantee that your emails are being responded to or acted upon.

New Additions to My Inbox

I recently added a .To-Do folder to my Inbox and several sub-folders. Each sub-folder contains emails that pertain to tasks that I must perform Today or defer to Tomorrow, emails to which I am waiting for a response or some action, and emails pertaining to tasks I wish to perform "Zomeday" (so that is last in the order). This relatively simple folder system has magnified the clarity of an empty inbox, but adding another dimension: when

Your Inbox is Not Your To Do List

It should be no surprise that I have incorporated this system into Evernote as well. I have written a couple times about Evernote, my organizational tool of choice. Not all of my tasks are generated by email, so I rely on Evernote to capture and organize all of my tasks. This seems to fly in the face of the "Your Inbox is Your To Do List" ideology, but I see this as the next step in my email evolution. 

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, November 10, 2017

5th Annual Bulletproof Biohacking Conference, Day 3

Day 3 was shorter at the request of many of 4th Annual Bulletproof Biohacking Conference attendees to facilitate afternoon travel arrangements, but the talks were some of the most inspiring of the conference. 

What is your MVT?

Peter H. Diamandis has a unique way of seeing the world. While the major news outlets often reflect all that is wrong with the world, Peter sees business opportunities. "If you want to become a billionaire, help a billion people." While the news reports about the scarcity of resources, Peter sees abundance. In sharp contrast to only one hundred years ago, we have more energy, better communications, reduction in all cause mortality, except cancer, and even now with CRISPR that too may be a thing of the past. Peter believes that we all have an MVT (massive transformative purpose) and that we will only achieve it through "moonshot" thinking.

What is really in your stool?

Naveen Jain is a board member of the XPRIZE and founder of several companies, including a company with an actual moonshot in their future. Despite Naveen's humble beginning in rural India, Naveen is very grateful for what he and his siblings have achieved stating "God has been very kind to us." Naveen's newest venture is VIOME. VIOME uses a process they call "Metatranscriptome Sequencing" which they claim is able to sequence the RNA of "iruses, archaea, yeast, fungi, parasites, and bacteriophages" which they claim is superior to the 16S test used by other genetic sequencing services, which only can detect bacterial RNA.

 Your Internal Pharmacy

Dr. William Sears ended the conference with an interesting presentation that even a child could understand, he has been a pediatrician for decades. According to Dr. Sears, the lining of our blood vessels, the endothelium, are capable of a number of useful antioxidants, neurochemicals, hormones, and other "medicines", essentially your own internal pharmacy. Naturally, unhealthy eating and exercise practices produce "sticky stuff" that covers the endothelium, closing your pharmacy. I look forward to reading how "The Dr. Sears T5 Wellness Plan" can keep our pharmacies open.

I was very impressed with this year's presenters and the vendors in the Tech Hall and I look forward to the 2018 Conference with eager anticipation.

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, November 3, 2017

5th Annual Bulletproof Biohacking Conference, Day 2

Dave's Day 2 welcome touched on three junk words: need, can't and try. "Need" is often used to describe things we want, but do not actually need. "Can't" detracts from your power of choice. "Try" pre-declares failure...going back to Intention as he spoke about the day prior.

What's Your Purpose?

A good portion of Mastin Kipp's talk focused on purpose. Purpose, Kipp reports, has the side effects of financial gain, improves immune function, lowers A1C, raises HDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol, and so much more. "Purpose is an emotion that you cultivate within yourself and express to others in the form of service." His talk transitioned to fear, which he described as unhealed emotional trauma that leads to Low Level Coping Mechanisms (drugs, alcohol, junk food, etc.) and High Level Coping Mechanisms (diet, exercise, biohacking, etc.). In the end, barring actual mortal danger, Kipp's recommendation is point yourself in the direction of the thing you fear as this is likely your purpose.

Nitric Oxide Dump and So Much More

Dr. Joseph Mercola is no stranger in the health and wellness community, but his presentation on his favorite Biohacks was a cornucopia of knowledge, much of which people may not be familiar. The biggest take away was the Nitric Oxide Dump that he credits Dr. Zach Bush with creating. Nitric Oxide is related to everything from longevity to the cure to erectile dysfunction. The NO Dump has four basic movements that you perform 10 times per side and repeat three times as fast as you can (video):
  1. Air Squat
  2. Marching Arm Swing
  3. Big Arm Circles
  4. Air Military Press

Information + Emotion = Lasting Memory

I ducked out of Jim Kwik's talk early to grab lunch and walk around the Tech Hall some more, but I found his concept of how lasting memories are formed to be so true. The joy and gratitude I felt during this conference will ensure that this conference will be a lasting memory for me.

The Future of Love, Lust and Commitment

Who would have thought that I would have made a friend standing outside the Main Hall waiting for the keynote speaker Ester Perel? My intention of "community" personified in a person I just met. We ended up spending the balance of the day together. Ester pointed out that previous generations lived in small communities around a church, and that everything from waking up to church bells, to getting married in the church, and dying was centered around religion. She indicated that now that many single people live in major cities, that the role of the church in the relationship has diminished, but she did not seem to have a good substitute for it, perhaps a reflection of the current state of relationships apart from God, apart but otherwise ill-defined. She had other good points, The Four Horseman of Relationship Apocalypse (criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling and contempt) and her definition of "trust" as "a shared experience...helping us to live with risk (fear)" gave an insight to why people have trust issues, they have fear.

Dr. Joseph Mercola Q&A

As if the morning session with Dr. Joseph Mercola was not enough, the afternoon session was so filled with information, that he had not time for questions at the end. I could write an entire blog post about his slides, I will summarize the highlights below:

The Microbiome

Dr. Zach Bush is the creator of Restore. The reason he created was immediately apparent. As he pointed out there are approximately 7 Billion "souls" on earth, or approximately 70 Trillion cells. Among these souls, the rate of Autism has grown to 1:45 and Cancer to 1:2 souls in just a couple generations. Why? According to Dr. Zach Bush it is the preponderance of Glyphosate (A.K.A. Round Up) in the world. What is wrong with Glyphosate? According to the research of Dr. Bush and others, Glyphosate destroys the tight junctions between the intestinal cells, the hallmark of "leaky gut" feared by the Paleo and Bulletproof communities alike. Leaky gut is the mechanism by which undigested food passes through the intestinal walls into the blood stream. Your body mobilizes white blood cells to attack the invaders. The only problem is that cells of beef look awfully like your own cells, so your white blood cells start to attack your own cells, the beginning of auto-immunity.

The Future of Smart Drugs

Dave Asprey is no stranger to Nootropics (AKA "Smart Drugs"). His use of Provigil and members of the racetam family is well-documented, but that is old new. Dave has now adapted a layered approach:

  1. Change Your Environment
  2. Mindfulness, Breathing and Brain Training
  3. Everyday Nootropics
  4. "Big Gun" Nootropics
Change Your Environment is the basis of the Bulletproof Diet. Understanding how everything from how you eat, sleep and move affects your gene expression. Mindfulness has recognized benefits. Anyone familiar with the Wim Hof Method knows the power of breathing. Off-handed ping-pong is brain training?! Everyday Nootropics come from some unlikely places such as:
  • Coffee (and other polyphenols)
  • Nicotine (sublingual please, no smoking)
  • CoQ10
  • Methylene Blue
  • Creatine
  • Acetyl L Carnitine
  • Magnesium L-Threonate

In the end, Dave returned to Gratitude. Finding any reason to be grateful is sure to put your mind at ease, and leave more margin for great thoughts.

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, October 27, 2017

5th Annual Bulletproof Biohacking Conference, Day 1

I was privileged to attend the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference again this year. Now in its 5th year, this conference is one of the most sought after conferences, and one of the highlights of my year. Once again, the conference was held at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California.

I arrived late Thursday night and was able to get right to sleep thanks to a thermostat that I could hack to reduce my core temperature and my TrueDark Twilight glasses which got the melatonin flowing right away.

The first day began with registration, complimentary Bulletproof Coffee and a quick walk around the Tech Hall before the morning opening presentations. Registration was automated this year, as your pass was printed on demand upon signing in at an iPad station, which was a significant improvement over the prior year, where my pass was missing and they had ran out of 3-day pass cards when they printed a new one. This year's registration kit included a program, a thin grocery style bag, a copy of the September 2017 edition of Life Extension Magazine and assorted coupons and advertisements for vendors in the Tech Hall and along the corridor.

The first day welcome presentation included a special opening Maori Haka lead by a Bulletproof Coach from New Zealand. If you have never experienced one in person, it is truly intimidating to see, and energizing to partake in. No wonder the Maori Warriors were always feared, and no wonder as to why the practice continues today.

"Your intentions shape your reality." Dave Asprey

Dave's opening talk focused on Gratitude and Intention. He read a quote from the Dalai Lama regarding being grateful for being alive and taking advantage of the opportunity it brings. Intention, is an interesting concept, but similar to an actionable to-do list, I will find that writing out your intentions has amazing results. If you have been living under a rock the past five or so years, you can find more about Dave Asprey and the Bulletproof Diet here.

Gratitude. Growth. Game Plan. Group. Giving. Greatness.

Lewis Howes continued the Gratitude topic stating that Gratitude "starts your engine" and insisted that your Gratitude needs to be shared in order to be effective. His topic of Growth seemed to align with a principle I am very familiar with: Continuous Improvement. The key to a good Game Plan is to keep it simple. He reiterated the popular phase "that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with (your Group)" and concluded with the importance of Giving to feel true fulfillment. All are no doubt his pillars of Greatness.

Sleep Hacking

Perhaps the best talk of the day in terms of actionable items was Dr. Michael Breus' hacks for better sleep. While his recommendations on adjusting your environment, your eating and napping habits were good, the one I have found most powerful is determining your ideal bed time. On average, we all sleep in 90 minute sleep cycles, and most people have five cycles for a total of 450 minutes, or 7.5 hours. This puts the 8-10 hour recommendation flat on its back and leads to my pro tip: schedule bed times in 90 minute increments of when you need to get up. While it is great to determine if you do in fact need 7.5 hours to sleep, it is far more important to set a wake up time and stick to it, and ensuring you go to bed at an appropriate time ensures you wake up when you are at the top of Phase 1 sleep and not the depths of Phase 3 and 4 sleep.

Dave's Year in Biohacking

Dave closed out the first day with a retrospective on his year in Biohacking. Anyone familiar with Dave will not find his use of stem cells, blue light blocking technology, red light therapy, and cryo-therapy abnormal, but his latest protocols are interesting. I was very interested in his MSH injection which is said to decrease glucose, increase thyroid hormone, block PDE4 (a la Viagra) and even increase melanin production (get tan). After reading The Wahls Protocol by Dr. Terry Wahl's, I was not surprised by Dave's interest in increasing his Polyphenols through drinking more decaf coffee, eating more herbs and his new Polyphenomenal supplement. He touched briefly on VIOME, a new technology that can detect fungus, bacteria, parasites and phages (bacterial viruses). Look for more on that in a future post.

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, October 20, 2017

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night, Part 2

As a follow up to my previous posts about the importance of minimizing blue light during the day and blocking it at night, I thought I would write about my recent experience with my new Daywalker Elite and Twilight glasses by TrueDark.

I received a pair of Daywalker glasses in my most recent Biohacked Box, a box of items curated by biohacker Dave Asprey himself and sent out quarterly. I liked the style better than the Swanwick glasses that I purchased at the 2016 Bulletproof Biohacking Conference, and while the Daywalker glasses appear to be not as deeply tinted, I have not noticed a significant difference when staring a computer screen for hours at a time, or when driving at night. WARNING: Neither Swanwick nor TruDark products are approved for driving at night.

The Twilight glasses look a bit out of a science fiction movie, part Night Owl, part Batman, with the ridges along the brow. The foam lining the glasses ensures no stray light penetrates the sides, robing you of your precious melatonin.

The Twilight glasses are a little bulkier than my red tinted aviators, so they will likely not replace my aviators in my daily carry bag that accompanies me out of town, but I will certainly use the Twilight glasses when I am home.

If reducing blue light is not part of your daily routine, I highly recommend it, and I also highly recommend TrueDark.

Stay well engineered,

Connect with me to receive updates when I post next.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Data Driven Decisions

Introducing OURA

In my previous post on Tracking Yourself, I discussed my experiences with devices to track everything from your weight to your activity to your sleep. My latest fitness tracker is the OURA Ring. The OURA Ring is made from a scratch resistant Zircona outer ring with a hypoallergenic resin securing the electronics and sensors from the inside. Because of this rigid form factor, you must choose a size of ring (6 to 13). Even if you know your ring size, I highly recommend ordering the FREE Sizing Kit comprised of seven plastic rings that you can use to judge the fit as you wear it through out the day.

Why Another Fitness Tracker?

I decided to buy the OURA Ring because because it seemed less obtrusive than my Fitbit Charge 2 HR, which would cut off circulation to my arm at work and when I slept, and get caught on long sleeved shirts and other articles of clothing. Also, my Beddit 2 stopped working when the latest version of the app was not compatible with Android 5.0 so I was really not monitoring my sleep at all.


OURA also offers two new features: temperature and actionable feedback. Temperature was an interesting feature to add because it affects how you sleep and helps differentiate heavy respiration due to exercise (movement) or just heat (typically sedentary). 

Actionable feedback may seem like a minor feature, but they are a  HUGE step forward. While Fitbit does a great job tracking your movements, and Beddit does a great job tracking your sleep, OURA will keep track of your activity and sleep and make recommendations regarding your activity and recovery needs, whether you should exercise or not, allowing you to reserve your decision making power for the bog of daily decisions and taking the guesswork out of the work-rest spectrum.

Precise Data vs. Accurate Data

The point of the Quantified Self movement is not just to provide data, but actionable data. As with all data, data that is collected automatically is more consistent, and prone to fewer errors. Some will question the accuracy of wearable electronic health monitors, but I feel they miss the point. Most people do not calibrate their bathroom scales with a certified weight when they buy it. Instead, they accept that any change, gain or loss, is the same regardless of the starting weight. In the same way, if whether my device reports my resting heart rate is 75 bpm or 85 bpm, an increase of 100 bpm during exercise is a increase of 100 bpm, and a good measure of my activity level that day.

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Case for Collagen

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the protein that makes up our hair, skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, digestive tract, muscles, joints and connective tissue. Despite being one of the more widely used protein in our bodies, it is perhaps the least found in the Standard American Diet because we almost exclusively eat the meat, and throw away the hair, skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, digestive tracts, joints and connective tissues of animals as these take longer to prepare into a bioavailable form such as a powder, gelatin, or broth.

What Kinds of Collagen are There?

According to Dr. Axe, there are at least 16 different types of collagen found in the body, but the majority is comprised of types 1, 2 and 3. If you are interested in the various types and where they go I highly recommend you read his post. If you take nothing else away from Dr. Axe site, you should note that (A) there are different kinds of collagen and (B) your body knows where to put them.

Are Collagen Supplements Effective?

A middle-aged Greek body builder once told me about the benefits of consuming unflavored gelatin that he would obtain from the butcher. Given his size and relative health, it clearly does a body good. You may have even noticed collagen advertised in topical beauty products. However, I can think of no better application for "you are what you eat" than with collagen. In this PubMed article, mice were fed a hydrolyzed collagen (gelatin) protein that was tagged with Carbon-14 radio isotopes. These mice were found to have twice as much radioactivity (twice as much collagen) in their joints than the control mice. Further proof that your body knows where to put the collagen.

What are Good Sources of Collagen?

Unless you have the time to properly process the carcasses of healthy animals, I strongly suggest supplementation. I am a huge fan of the Bulletproof Collagen Protein. I put two tablespoons in a double cup of coffee each morning. I have shared this tip with several of my coworkers and friends and they all have reported reduced pain and increased motion in joints such as elbows, knees and hips. Another great product is Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Stick Packs. The 16oz bag of Bulletproof Collagen is great for the home or office, but the Vital Protein Stick Packs are perfect for travelling.

Stay well engineered,

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Smart Drugs Part 2, CIL-TEP

I loved the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper. In the movie, Cooper's character (Eddie Morra) is given a pill that unlocks the use of 100% of his brain power allowing him to write a novel overnight, learn day trading in days, and eventually run for the US Senate. The thought of taking a pill that could give you "limitless" energy and focus is appealing to industry leaders and Biohackers alike. Some people have resorted to taking amphetamine's which have serious health issues associated with long term use. Nootropics are the safer alternative.

Nootropics 102

Nootropics are commonly referred to as "smart drugs". The truth is they only enhance your existing memory and focus. They do so through several mechanisms. One such mechanism is the increase of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a second messenger derived from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 


The second Nootropic that I have ever tried was CILTEP by Natural Stacks. CILTEP is a simple stack of Artichoke Extract, Forskolin, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Vitamin B6, and L-Phenylalanine. The Forskolin increases cAMP levels, which is supported by the Acetyl-L-Carnitine. The Artichoke Extract reduces inflammation associated with the degradation of cAMP. While the Vitamin B6 and L-Phenylalanine support the production of dopamine. I have noted better than normal focus on CILTEP, with energy and motivation also improved to a lesser extent. 

Fix Your Diet First

No supplement or drug is going to overcome a month of bad decisions, with the exception, perhaps, of amphetamine's. If you have brain fog, weight gain or are not sleeping well, you need to straighten out your diet first. As I said before Nootropics only enhance your existing memory and focus, do yourself a favor and optimize what you have with real food, moderate exercise and good sleep. Lastly, most Nootropics are not super cheap, so why waste a dose if you are hung over and going to sleep in?

Give Your Brain a Rest

As with all Nootropics, I will introduce breaks between courses. I will typically go with a one to two weeks on, and one week off of any particular Nootropic. I do this for two reasons. As Tim Ferris says, "there is no biological free lunch". Life is about balance. Periods of more focus should be followed by periods of less focus. Secondly, I want to return to baseline before trying another Nootropic.

Stay well engineered,

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Mold in an Unlikely Place

In my Moldy Coffee post, I highlighted the dangers of mold and the mycotoxins they produce. That post was focused on coffee and the Ochratoxin A, but there are many other types of mold and mycotoxins to be aware of and avoid at all cots.

It was mid afternoon and I was hungry for a snack. I reached into my desk drawer and pulled a low carbohydrate protein bar from my drawer. When I opened it I was surprised to see white fuzzy mold growing on my snack.

This just goes to show you that you can never be too diligent in your quest to rid yourself of dietary mold and reaffirms that your best choice is to consume fresh, whole foods instead of pre-processed food products whenever possible.

Stay well engineered,

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Smart Drugs Part 1, Alpha Brain

I loved the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper. In the movie, Cooper's character (Eddie Morra) is given a pill that unlocks the use of 100% of his brain power allowing him to write a novel overnight, learn day trading in days, and eventually run for the US Senate. The thought of taking a pill that could give you "limitless" energy and focus is appealing to industry leaders and Biohackers alike. Some people have resorted to taking amphetamine's which have serious health issues associated with long term use. Nootropics are the safer alternative.

Nootropics 101

Nootropics are commonly referred to as "smart drugs". The truth is they only enhance your existing memory and focus. They do so through several mechanisms. One common way is through Acetylcholine regulation.  Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, the carrier of chemical messages in your brain. The more neurotransmitters that you have, the more messengers you have to carry the messages between your neurons. Nootropics will often increase Acetylcholine, or its precursors, or decrease the elimination of Acetylcholine because your brain thinks you have enough.

Alpha Brain

The first Nootropic that I had ever experimented with was Alpha BRAIN from Onnit Labs. Among other naturally occurring compounds, Alpha BRAIN contains L-Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha GPC) which an Acetylcholine precursor, giving your brain more raw materials from which to make Acetylcholine. I find that 2 capsules per day gives me better focus and better recall of names, dates and other sometimes trivial information. Focus is slightly improved, if only that I better recall what I should be doing right now.

Fix Your Diet First

No supplement or drug is going to overcome a month of bad decisions, with the exception, perhaps, of amphetamine's. If you have brain fog, weight gain or are not sleeping well, you need to straighten out your diet first. As I said before Nootropics only enhance your existing memory and focus, do yourself a favor and optimize what you have with real food, moderate exercise and good sleep. Lastly, most Nootropics are not super cheap, so why waste a dose if you are hung over and going to sleep in?

Give Your Brain a Rest

As with all Nootropics, I will introduce breaks between courses. I will typically go with a one to two weeks on, and one week off of any particular Nootropic. I do this for two reasons. As Tim Ferris says, "there is no biological free lunch". Life is about balance. Periods of more focus should be followed by periods of less focus. Secondly, I want to return to baseline before trying another Nootropic.

Stay well engineered,

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Inbox Zero

I have posted about how to efficiently organize and archive your email, hack your junk mail and even archive your sent mail. I believe that your inbox is your to-do list. If you have a cluttered inbox, it is hard to find your priority. Today I am going to share my top 10 tips on how to keep your inbox tidy 

1. Send Everything to the Trash

At the end of the day, most of the email I receive ends up in the trash. Why not start there? I start by sending all emails with "@" in address (all emails that I know of) to the trash with a simple Microsoft Outlook rule. (See Hack Your Junk Mail)

2. Allow Exceptions

I augment this rule by allowing emails from my organization's domain and the domain of our parent and sister organizations.

3. Allow More Exceptions

As I find emails in the trash that I do not want automatically sent there, I add them to the exceptions list either by specific email address or domain. After a few weeks, the email that ends up in the trash usually belongs there, even if I want to read them first.

4. Batch Your Email Viewing

Once you have streamlined your inbound email, you will need to check it less frequently. Some people have even as gone as far to setup an auto-reply message informing senders that they only check their email at certain times and to use more direct methods of contact (email or text) if it is urgent.

5. Identify Important Emails Quickly

When you do finally check your email, you want to identify the important emails quickly. I use Microsoft Outlook conditional formatting to mark emails from my Boss, the Executive Leadership Team, and their Assistants with a different color and font to ensure they stand out.

6. Delete Unimportant Emails

Once you address the important emails, it is time to address the rest of your email.  Not all emails that make it through your filters are golden. If you batch your email viewing, you will quickly spot chains, or threads, of email subjects that occurred in your absence. You can usually pare this list down to the most recent emails, except, but be sure to review emails with attachments wherever they lay in the chain. If the email does not require action from you, or contain any vital information that you would want to reference later, delete it.

7. Use Cloud Archives

Emails that do not require any action from you, but you do want to reference later should be archived somewhere. For this, I use Evernote. Evernote is a cloud based system that can be used to store notes,  business cards, emails, documents photos and so much more. There are many other ways to organize your documents in the cloud, you will just need to figure out what works for you and/or your organization.

8. Use Short-Cuts

I use Microsoft Outlook Quick Steps to send Evernote emails to frequently used @Folder and #Tag combinations at the click of a button, instead of having to type them into address bar and subject line each time.

9. Use Reminders

Just because an email is not important now, does not mean you will not need to review it later. There are many ways to be reminded. Calendar reminders, Evernote reminders and, just to name a few.

10. Get Family, Friends, and Coworkers Involved

I have done my best to share these tips with my coworkers and employees. Once they understand my motivation and how I use email, we communicate much more efficiently.

Stay well engineered,

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself. Also, please note as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Connect with me to receive updates when I post next.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Moldy Coffee

Moldy Coffee

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee cherry. If you have ever gone fruit picking then you know it can be challenging to collect the fruit that has not been damaged by animals or insects, and even more so to collect the fruit without damaging them yourself. Even then, it is a race against time to consume the fruit before they mold and decay.  As one might expect with mass produced food products, the situation is considerably worse. According to this 2003 Pub Med Article which examined 60 samples of Brazilian coffee, 91.7% of of the coffee samples were contaminated with mold and 33% of the samples tested positive for Ochratoxin A, a mycotoxin.


Mycotoxins are produced by mold. Ochratoxin A is a mycotoxin produced by molds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium. According to Food Safety Watch, Ochratoxin A is nephrotoxic (damaging the kidneys), and genotoxic (damaging DNA), and teratogenic (damaging a fetus). According to this American Cancer Society publication, the mycotoxins produced by Fumonisin B1 & B2 found on corn are linked to cancer and according to this 2011 Pub Med Article, both Ochratoxin A and Fumonisin are known to cause brain damage. In short, mold produces mycotoxins and mycotoxins are bad for you.

Roasting Does Not Eliminate Mycotoxins

According to this Pub Med Article, roasting moldy coffee beans at 200 deg-C (392 deg-F) only reduced the Ochratoxin A by 12%. Since roasting does not eliminate all of the mycotoxins produced by mold, it is imperative to try and eliminate all mold from your diet, starting with your morning cup of coffee

Negative Publicity is Free Publicity?

Perhaps it is purely a coincidence, but shortly after I inquired about the mold criteria of a local coffee roaster, a podcast regarding Bulletproof Coffee appeared on their website and iTunes. Their first mistake was: They made Bulletproof Coffee incorrectly. They used the wrong coffee beans, substituting their El Salvador roast the first day, a dark Guatemala roast the next day and even suggested using "really junky coffee". Hopefully you understand by now what a mistake this was. Their second mistake was: They did not change the rest of their diet. One of them even admitted to eating a muffin (so not Bulletproof). Their third mistake was: They did not give it enough time. A week is not nearly enough to see any physical changes, and mental changes can be subtle or even subdued by other lifestyle choices (muffins). Their fourth mistake was: They clearly do not understand intermittent fasting. With intermittent fasting, you restrict the window you eat, not restrict the calories you eat. The point is to increase insulin sensitivity, not eat less. Lastly, They clearly do not understand the ketogenic diet. As I showed in my New Plan for 2017, my protein consumption is only about 20% of my calories. While 5% calories from carbohydrates may seem low to some people, leafy greens and bright vegetables with all their vitamins and phytonutrients are relatively low in carbohydrates. Despite the negative publicity, hopefully other listeners of this podcast have researched Bulletproof Coffee and come to their own conclusions about how important mold-free, mycotoxin free, coffee is.

If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate it if you clicked my Referral Link and checkout all the great Bulletproof products for yourself.

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Losing Weight with Google Forms

Peter Drucker is credited with saying "What Gets Measured, Gets Managed". If you have a Gmail account, you have access to Google Sheets and Google Forms two free cloud based applications that you can use to manage anything, including your weight or your blood glucose and ketone measurements.

Creating a Google Form

If you are logged into Chrome, creating a Google Form is as simple as visiting from your PC or mobile device. You have slightly more control over the format from the PC interface, but the features you need are available on the mobile version. Give your form a name and start adding questions. Your responses can be in the form of Short Answer, Paragraph, Multiple Choice, Checkbox, Drop Down, Linear Scale or Multiple Choice Grid. You can even choose if the response is required or not.

Using a Google Form

My morning routine includes filling out two Google Forms: blood glucose and ketone measurement and body weight measurement. Even though the Abbott Precision Xtra does have a data cable, my in vitro acetoacetate strips are analog so that data needs to be recorded manually. Even though Fitbit tracks my weight automatically through my Aria WiFi scale, Fitbit is missing one thing that I wanted to see: am I trending?

Am I Trending?

As I posted in my Thanksgiving and Water Weight post, body weight can fluctuate wildly just based on how much glycogen you have stored and how hydrated you are, not to mention fluctuations is GI motility. I think that this discourages so many people when they set out to lose weight and they do not see consistent progress on the scale. So, I wanted to plot a trend line to ensure that my weight loss was trending in the right way.

Trending with Google Sheets

The data you collect with Google Forms is easily accessed through Google Sheets. From Google Sheets you can use your data to make calculations and display charts. I use an equation in Google Sheets to calculate my daily weight loss goal based on a two pound per week goal and plot this line against my daily weight data to help me see if I am trending. 

Converting Units with Google Sheets

I also use an equation in Google Sheets to convert the beta hydroxybutyrate (g*mol^-1) to (mg/dL) so that my ketones and glucose can be plotted on the same scale. This way I can also verify that my glucose is trending downward and my ketones are trending upward. With Google Sheets and Google Forms the possibilities are endless. 

Stay well engineered,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These statements or products referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.